November Payrolls Report: +199k, Hazel’s Grotesque Smile Intact

November Payrolls rise a bit more than expected (+199k vs. +190k)

Here is the report from BLS (click graphic).

bls, november payrolls report

“Job gains occurred in healthcare and government.”

Why of course they did. From Wednesday’s post after the ADP jobs report:

Again, we’ll get a better idea of details in Friday’s payrolls report, but dollars to donuts certain hard services like healthcare (and maybe government) are doing the work now. That’s not productive (or leading) at all.

november payrolls report

So anyway, Hazel’s Leisure & Hospitality services were pretty good, while Education & Health services boomed and Government stuck its beak in again. Let’s also acknowledge that Manufacturing employment bounced back. I have not looked at the report yet, but I’ll bet that auto workers have something to do with that.

bls november payrolls report

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate ticked down but still maintains the fledgling potential for a bottom and upturn into the next recession.

bls november payrolls, unemployment rate

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. CP Montgomery

    Link did not appear in email.

  2. Gary

    There is still something going on with WordPress email posts. I’ll have to get back on that. But if the post title is clickable, it should bring you to the original post. Would you mind trying that for me and letting me know?

  3. Anonymous

    I understand the end of the auto workers and screenwriters strikes add to the manufacturing and leisure categories

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