Stock Market: When Bad is Good & Good is Bad

Many people would consider a drop in the S&P 500 to the 1550-1600 area to be a bad thing.  But if the bull is real, and if a secular bull market truly has been created out of manipulation of the T bond market (QE’s bond buying and ZIRP’s 0% rates) then a pullback to test that zone would be normal, would it not?  It would feel bad but in reality a successful test of the big breakout would launch the grand new bull.  SPX has to drop down to test support sooner or later, doesn’t it?


Well no, it doesn’t because the other side of the coin in the post’s title is ‘When Good is Bad’, meaning that an upside blow off in markets – if that is what is fomenting – would be very bad, as in ‘Silver 2011’ bad, for the stock market with a successful test of support unlikely.  That is because a manic blow off would be a terminal event.


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NFTRH; Gold, Silver & Miners – Daily Parameters

As has been the case often lately, the precious metals are positive in pre-US open.  These have tended to be fleeting positive vibes, but we should keep the technical parameters in view nonetheless because a) you don’t want to buy (or at least hold) a sucker bounce and b) just maybe the forces of right and good ;-) will one day break out of this funk.  So we should stay tuned up on what constitutes bull and bear in the precious metals.


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NFTRH; More Thoughts on the Bull Case

It is a mixed messages market.  With all the bearish indicators, we have had some fairly severe downside in several momentum related indexes.  This begs the question ‘was that it?’ with regard to ‘the correction’?


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Giving Bears Pause

We have talked about what is negative for the US stock market.  From the signal in the banks vs. S&P 500 to a young uptrend in long-term T bonds vs. the S&P 500.  Here is the 2011-2014 market leading BKX-SPX in breakdown mode.


Throw in a bearish divergence in the Equity Put/Call ratio, an elevated Gold-Silver ratio right at resistance and Junk bond vs. Treasury/Investment Grade and the signs of a bearish market are not only there, they have manifested in some pretty good downside in the growth and momentum areas.

But aside from the Dow and Tranny already noted, there are other things that bears should pay attention to, starting as we often do with the Semiconductor index.


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NFTRH; Some Charts After Today’s Bull

Today was quite impressive for the bulls.  A public post at the site showed the SOX coming right to its trend line.  I day traded LSCC for a good profit today and would you believe I actually had to remind myself to take the profit?  Seeing the SOX at the trend line helped get me going, after letting some profits turn to losses by not being decisive in this market.


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NFTRH+; Lithium ETF

A piece at by the man who "was way ahead of my time in forecasting the rebound in Lithium and Graphite" prompted me to look at old friend LIT,…

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ZIRP Era in Pictures

Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) was instigated by a credit induced collapse of the US financial system and perpetuated in December of 2008 by desperate financial policy makers as a fix to problems they created in the first place.

In reality, it is simply an epic distortion of normal economic signals that cleaned up the mess created by previous policy distortions (like the commercial credit bubble of the Greenspan era) by systematically (5+ years and running) main lining new distortions into the system.


So in addition to this picture, which could one day hang in a monetary museum with the title ‘Grandma and Her Savings Account Bail Out Wealthy Asset Owners’, let’s take a walk down memory lane and marvel at some other pictures created by this policy…


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NFTRH+, Nasdaq 100 Trade

*Note, I am going to post NFTRH+ dry runs at the site using the password for the week, but will not send a direct email, so as not to clutter the in boxes of those who are not interested.


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Update; Precious Metals

A post was made at the site with thoughts about any Ukraine inspired bullishness in the precious metals.  You know my stance by now.  I don't like it. In light…

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