A Cyclical ‘Mini-Me’ to a Big Secular Event?

Ever since the current (final wave 5?) leg in the now 4 year, 7 month old US stock bull market generated in November of 2012, NFTRH has tried to make the point that there is no new secular bull market in US stocks.  Indeed, there is a maturing cyclical bull market that has another 5 (+/-) months to live if it is to match the two previous cycles.  The bubble leader, Russell 2000 does after all have a measured target of 1350 (Kisses Goodbye).

Why do we call the US cyclical stock bull a bubble you ask?  Because of this chart (courtesy of SlopeCharts), variations of which NFTRH subscribers have been repeatedly hit over the head with just to make sure that we know what we are dealing with.



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