NFTRH: An active market manager at your fingertips


To effectively manage markets with a balanced view through all cycles. NFTRH utilizes an unbiased approach based on the indications of our technical, ‘top down’ macro fundamental and sentiment analysis. We get the macro right, giving investors much better potential with their individual sector/stock selections.

Providing an honest view of global asset markets, not a biased one

“Gary, Before NFTRH I used to feel a bit like Agent Starling in Buffalo Bill’s basement after the lights went out. Thanks for turning on the lights.” -John M 11.24.14

You really saved my butt in March of 2020 when I was recklessly long going into the pandemic. I absolutely find your work to be focused and prescient. However it was actually your calm, measured tone that kept me from bailing out at the bottom back then, to sit tight/recover fully and then some, and since helped me up the risk management learning curve. I’ve been wanting to tell you that for a while. It’s the work AND the mindset that makes the service so valuable. Thanks again, and have a great week!” -Abi B 4.16.23

NFTRH Service at a Glance

  • Customer service is job #1 and our door is always open.
  • A comprehensive weekly market report covering stocks, precious metals, commodities, bonds, currencies, indicators, sentiment and the broad macro in which they exist.
  • In-week updates on markets, indicators, stocks and importantly, strategy.
  • A rational top-down view of global markets to effectively guide through all phases and cycles.
  • Using unique indicators proven to give NFTRH an edge over the competition.
  • A grounding in sentiment and psychology, to give NFTRH an edge over its writer’s bias.
  • A daily trade log, including detailed notes and charts, for subscribers’ reference.
  • Our unique blend of technical, sentiment and macro fundamental analysis is relied upon by professional and private investors alike to aid in sound decision making.
  • See scores of subscriber testimonials since inception in 2008.

NFTRH contrarian philosophy through the looking glass and in Alice’s words:

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”

Lewis Carroll by way of Alice