There is a Case Against China, But…

As the Macro Tourist lays out so well, things are not at all good in China’s economy and not likely to get better as the Politburo plays its long game against Trump’s short one.

Best Way to Short China?

But then why… this? Sure it’s not definitively broken out, but why has CHL gone from 43 to 52 since July?

Why has TCEHY gone from 32 to 42, measuring to 52 if it can hold the neckline break?

Both of the above were NFTRH+ highlights that quite frankly make me want to feel queasy about highlighting, given the headlines. But NFTRH+ is a pure charting thing and ultimately right or wrong, it’s job is to show chart-based trade ideas.

Despite the headlines, each of the above stocks are still in play. Disclosure: I don’t own either of them (yet), as I already hold AABA and SINA (although, probably not for long), neither of which currently sport chart setups like the above.

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