The Magical Disappearing Stock Pumper-in-Chief

I keep a link to the president’s tweets here along with a ton of other useful links. The link is named ‘The Tweeter-in-Chief’ but might as well be per the title of this post.

Plucked from this user at StockTwits this morning…

But I went to Trump’s Twitter account and among the chronic “Fake News” robo-tweeting of this TeeVee addicted cartoon character there was no such tweet (per the above) to be found. This was still there, however. A guy in a big box store is very confident. Very very confident. Ha ha ha…

Anyway, I wonder if an advisor might have seen his stock market pump job and advised him that he should think better of it and take it the fuck down. He’s basically telling his followers – in cartoon format – to buy the shit out of the stock market. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet implied the Prez… before the tweet apparently vanished into thin air.

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