Is This the End of the Line for Robotics?

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fanuc robotsWell, certainly not.  As I’ve been beating you over the head with, Trump’s “protection will lead to great prosperity” is a canard and the forward march of automation and progress will continue unabated (picture the robots all in a line one day, disobeying what will by then be human thought guided directions, and driven half insane by the human element in their brain circuits, finally coming for us… hey, it’s a fun subject).

But now there appears to be a mini promotion going on in the MSM centered around one Gartman, Dennis (the financial world’s undisputed king of contrary indication) and Japan, which is the place to invest due to this march of robotic progress (so dreams Gartman in that fertile imagination of his, that happens to change like New England weather on a whim).

So the clownish guru to the hedge fund community (Seriously? Or is that just a promo too?) was on the CNBC website babbling about Japan and Robotics this morning.  I ignored it because it was Gartman and I had better things to do.  But now here comes fellow media star Mark Hulbert feeding us the same Gartman and the same promo.  It smacks of… what would you call it, a media press tour?  A well choreographed ad campaign?  Just what is it?  Did Gartman read my website or that of someone else who actually has to make a living dispensing quality information, talking about Robotics?  Ooh, Gartman’s on the TeeVee letting us in on the next big play.  Ooohhhh…

Robots could make Japan into a stock investor’s cash machine

By the way, if you click the graphic above you go to a real Japanese Robotics company that I have traded (and highlighted) previously.  I was also a customer of this fine company.

It’s an ad blitz apparently all because the clown prince dreamed up a little Robotics promo about 3 years too late and the MSM is a willing conduit.  What’s the next transformative investment, 3D Printing?  Oh, wait…

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